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Models, documents, etc.

​Check out 3-D examples and design documents; make sure to click on images for full size!

I Your But A

​Inspired by the phrase "I reject your reality and substitute my own." I created my own and utilized Autodesk Maya and After Effects to create this short 3D animation illustrating my interpretation.


Series of 4 images exploring the concept of hacking. The environment I created illustrates a seemingly normal, slightly odd location. Upon closer inspection, it just doesn't make sense. There turns out to be a broken down wall and what looks to be a pile of bodies inside. The buildings all house mountains of dead bodies, left over from some revolution or whatever. It looks like an okay, beautiful world but this fact leaves the viewer disturbed and confused. The pile of limbs is left over from another time and it may or may not be deemed a holocaust, depending on the viewer. It can be seen as a cleansing and that the world has been released or it could have been a huge catastrophe and the world is sitting on a lie. Either way, the world has been hacked and taken control of so that the world will proceed in a set way.

3D Models

Here are a couple of examples of modeling done in Autodesk Maya and Blender. Make sure to click on the individual images for the full picture!

Sovereignty  Game Design Document

​Charged to create a game, my partner and I worked together to ensure that our game invited contemplation and interaction from players.


In addition to photography, I assembled our final design document with InDesign CS5.

NYCIS  Solution Design Document

Reacting to the Reinvent Phones design challenge, my group and I discussed, debated, and designed a solution to the problem.


In addition to leading meetings, I assembled our final design document with InDesign CS5.​

Graphic Design examples


To leaf through the ¡OYE! newsletters, check out and check out the first 3 issues!

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